La Boheme
by James Kilbourne
I often hear Barbara Branden tell a person who is reading Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead for the first time, “I envy you. I remember how I felt. What a wonderful world is opening up for you.” When she says this, I remember how I felt when I read these great works. And I remember how I felt when I first heard La Boheme. (Read more...)
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The SOLO Credo
by Lindsay Perigo
"SOLO kicks ass first, then takes names. Then it kicks ass again." Perigo at TOC-Vancouver, 2004.
A slight tweaking of SOLO's Credo, accommodating recent achievements, writings and developments. (Read more...)
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Experiencing Objectivism through Microsoft Outlook
by Luke Setzer
This article shows users of Microsoft Outlook how to employ the Objectivist ethics of Reason, Purpose and Self-Esteem to organize the contents of their Inbox, Tasks and other Outlook windows to assure they act with integrity to their chosen values and goals. (Read more...)
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Experiencing Objectivism through the Enhanced Tri-Quation
by Luke Setzer
This article ties together previously established integrative concepts between Objectivism and Franklin Covey training tools to produce a powerful diagram called the Objectivist Tri-Quation. (Read more...)
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Experiencing Objectivism through the Reality Model
by Luke Setzer
This article uses the Franklin Covey Reality Model to illustrate the Objectivist theory that ideas shape the behaviors of individuals and, ultimately, nations. The model has great power to liberate people to examine their beliefs objectively and encourages them to correct those beliefs that fail to meet their needs adequately. (Read more...)
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Experiencing Objectivism through the Productivity Pyramid
by Luke Setzer
This article employs the popular Franklin Covey Productivity Pyramid concept to assist the reader in understanding the Objectivist ethics, especially the supreme and ruling value of Self-Esteem. (Read more...)
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The Day My Grandmother Saved My Life
by James Kilbourne
If I had learned nothing else in my 22 years, I had learned that homosexuals were weak and disgusting people. I had never heard a serious challenge to that assessment. I had tried to save my self-esteem by telling myself I wasn’t really homosexual. (Read more...)
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Experiencing Objectivism through Franklin Covey
by Luke Setzer
This article discusses the history of the international training company Franklin Covey, its relevance to Objectivism and the common denominators between Hyrum Smith's "tri-quation" and the Objectivist ethics. (Read more...)
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On Food and Sensuality
by Jennifer Iannolo
If you have ever swooned at the sight of a juicy peach, or been aroused by the pungent aroma of truffles, you know what it means to make love passionately. Step inside and see what I mean... (Read more...)
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Of Belly-Laughers and Anal-Retentives
by Lindsay Perigo
A genuine belly-laugh is the mark of a genuine human being & is just as important as a sharp mind. The belly-laugh is the barometer of one's joie de vivre & openness; one should never trust the man who cannot belly-laugh, since it is very likely that the cause of his condition is that he is hiding something at best or is a solipsistic sociopath at worst. (Read more...)
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The Birthday Cake
by George W. Cordero
It is uncommon for 2 friends who are male to relate a true story from their life that exposes anything beyond the superficial. In the course of talking about our fathers, my friend related to me the story that became the basis of The Birthday Cake. While he spoke, my friend became increasingly emotional, and by the end of his story he was in tears. I was so moved by it that I asked him if I could retell his father’s life in the form of a short story. He said he would be very happy if I did so. In order to try to convey the same amount of passion in which my friend told this story, I decided to write it in the first person. (Read more...)
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My Most Recent Enjoyments in ...
by Vera S. Doerr
Last week I ranted against 'picking split issues' instead of creating a world of creators (Link to Article Discussion). That same night, after taking three hours to write my response to that article on SOLO HQ I decided to take the initiative and create a world of creators starting with myself. Following the examples of Chris' 'First Landing in Japan' (Link to Article) and Linz's announcement of an 'Obsessively Objectivist Centennial' for Ayn Rand's birthday (Link to Article), I hereby present my own runners-up for Objectivism Galore ... (Read more...)
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In Praise of Anger!
by Lindsay Perigo
Here’s a swamp-song that works on the cause via the effect. Intense passion is the effect of profound conviction. This song says that intense passion is improper, unseemly, bad form, or, in modern parlance, "uncool." (Read more...)
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Affirming Life
by Lindsay Perigo
Is a viable, secular alternative to religion possible? Can life have meaning without an after-life? If there is no god to inspire ideals & prescribe values, can there be any other source? Can man discover it? Theologians & philosophers alike have answered these questions with a resounding, No! (Read more...)
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On First Hearing Mario Lanza
by James Kilbourne
If anyone ever personified a bounteous, ecstatic sense of life, it is Mario Lanza. It radiates from every cell of his being and every note he sings. There is nothing important about him that anyone can reveal to me; everything important has come to me through his songs - from his heart and mind, through that incomparable voice, directly to my heart and mind. (Read more...)
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 Contentment: The Enemy
by Joseph Rowlands
Ask yourself a question. What is it you live for? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What is it that you look forward to? What excites your soul and makes you feel "This is living!"? (Read more...)
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Capitalism Soaring Into The Heavens
by Jeff Landauer
It’s Sunday, 10:01 PM. My friend Phil and I stop at the grocery store 2 blocks from his house in Santa Clara, CA to buy 2 cases of Mountain Dew. We will need the caffeine.
Six and a half hours of crazy night driving south through the central valley and up into the high desert North-East of Los Angeles, and we arrive at the Mojave, CA airport, in just one of thousands of cars arriving. The highway is already getting significantly backed up as the cars try to get into the two lane entrance. It’s 4:30 AM on Monday, June 21, date of the launch of the first civilian spacecraft. (Read more...)
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CEO of Your Life
by Elizabeth Kanabe
At a career seminar, the speaker told us that we were the CEOs of our own lives. What a wonderful description of taking ownership and control of your life from work to play! (Read more...)
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 A Spiritual Journey
by Matthew Humphreys
Looking back just weeks after the turning of another year, I find it amazing to think that just four or so years ago I had likely never even heard the name Ayn Rand, let alone read any of the remarkable philosophy that she developed, and which I now hold in such high esteem. Back in those days, I was a social and political conservative, a church-attending Christian (of the Anglican denomination), and a rather troubled sixth form student. (Read more...)
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by Joseph Rowlands
If you see divorce as the cure to a bad marriage, the divorce rate can only be seen in a positive light. It's the divorce that's setting people free, and allowing them to refocus their energies on living their own lives and acquiring their own happiness. Sure, it's pathetic that so many marriages end in divorce, but it's not the divorces that are the problem. It's the marriages! (Read more...)
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The Sociology of Leopard Man
by Logan Feys
Conformity can be seen as the world’s most prevalent and most pernicious psychological disorder. The consequences of it are no less than the suppression and destruction of one’s self. To be human is to be an individual human, with individual tastes, talents, values, and aspirations that are distinct from those of others. (Read more...)
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Of Excellence And Excrement
by Lindsay Perigo
(Excerpted from Perigo’s presentation to the inaugural conference of SOLO, Waitomo, New Zealand, February 2002)
... (Read more...)
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Hey Greenie, Wanna Get Rich?
by David Bertelsen
Joe Bigwig straightened his Armani suit, set his sunglasses back down on his face, and drew a last, deep suck from his Cuban cigar, delighting once again on that plausible taste of communist sweat as he drew up to the bedraggled, dubious excuse for a human being that was holding up the lamp post. (Read more...)
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Valiant Valentine!
by Lindsay Perigo
Valentine's Day, when your fancy may unashamedly turn to romance. The Human Wrongs Commissariat won't try to have you arrested & even the Ministry of Ugly Wimmin's Affairs will acknowledge the last word of its title. (Read more...)
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Wednesday January 21, 2004 |
Converting to Objectivism
by Joe Trusnik
Six months ago, having left a religious forum I moderated because I could no longer give an intellectual sanction due to its general intolerance of any who might actually defend their points of view with reason, I found SOLO through a Yahoo search. (Read more...)
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